Hi, I'm Jake.
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MyMe is a live streaming social platform designed to break down the barriers of traditional social media. Unlike other platforms, there's no need to build a following or adhere to a specific niche. Many platforms require milestones, such as 1,000 hours of watch time to go live, excluding those who aren't frequent users.

On MyMe, only one user goes live at a time, while others interact through a live chat. Logged-in users can join the queue and take their turn when at the front. Each live stream begins with 60 seconds, and viewers vote in real-time to either extend or end the stream. It’s a space to share your thoughts, showcase talents, and get immediate feedback.

I truly believed in this concept and dedicated 3 months to its development. However, MyMe requires a large user base to function effectively. With enough users, the community would drive content quality by voting on what they want to see, encouraging streamers to improve over time, creating a cycle of continuous content improvement. But without enough people online, there's no audience, making going live pointless.

I also created a token system where users could promote their links and purchase perks like fast passes or live speaker chats. This would have been a way to monetise the platform, but without a substantial user base, maintaining the backend became unsustainable. For now, the project will have to go in hibernation.

Developed with Socket.IO, WebRTC, Stripe, Next.JS, Node/Express, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, and hosted on Render and Vercel.


Key Features

Dry Stone Walls

My Dry Stone Walls site offers professional walling services and comprehensive information on building basics, the history, and styles of walls in the UK.
There's a short quiz on this site which I've connected to the Timewise backend to store leaderboard names.

Developed with Next.js, Node/Express, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, and hosted on Render and Vercel.


Gignite - Group Project

The idea behind Gignite was to simplify the process of finding local gigs. Google Maps and Ticketmaster API's were used to display event data on the map and cards. User sign up and log in with Auth also implemented for users to upload events and keep track of favourites on their profile.

Created with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Express/Node, MongoDB/Mongoose, Jest for testing, Deployed on Render and Vercel.

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Gignite website map image with map markers

Onyx Website Homepage

Onyx - Group Project

An online experience site, logged in users can upload events for anyone to book onto. Payment can be taken with Google Pay and users can keep track of their events on their profile.

Created with Angular, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Express/Node, MongoDB/Mongoose, Jest for testing, Deployed on Render and Vercel.

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TimeWise Quiz

A dynamic quiz website featuring seven unique quiz types, each with three difficulty levels and three leaderboards. Weekly updates to keep content fresh.

Developed with Next.js, Node/Express, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, and hosted on Render and Vercel.


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